Multi Family Home for Sale Sixty Eight Seventy Park View Ter Newark Nj
Public Records #22003118
Single Family Residential
4,948 Sq. Ft.
Payment Figurer
Open Houses
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Details provided by NJMLS and may not match the public record. Learn more.
- Auction History
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Newark's enrollment policy is not based solely on geography. Please check the school district website to come across all schools serving this home.
Ivy Hill Simple School
Public, PreK-8 • Choice schoolhouse
Public, PreK-8 • Choice school
South Seventeenth Street School
Public, PreK-8 • Choice schoolhouse
Lafayette Street Schoolhouse
Public, PreK-8 • Choice school
University High School
Public, 7-12 • Choice schoolhouse
Malcolm X Shabazz High School
Public, 9-12 • Selection school
School data is provided by GreatSchools, a nonprofit arrangement. Redfin recommends buyers use GreatSchools data and ratings equally a first step, and conduct their ain investigation to decide their desired schools or school districts, including past contacting and visiting the schools themselves. Learn more virtually GreatSchools' rating system. Redfin does not endorse or guarantee this data. School service boundaries are intended to be used as a reference only; they may change and are not guaranteed to be accurate. To verify school enrollment eligibility, contact the school district directly. Schools don't impact everyone every bit. Learn more than about the achievement gap.
Climate Risk
About Climate Run a risk
Virtually homes have some hazard of natural disasters, and may exist impacted by climate change due to ascension temperatures and sea levels.
Environmental Risks
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Climate adventure data is provided for advisory purposes only past
Redfin does non endorse nor guarantee this information. By providing this information, Redfin and its agents are non providing communication or guidance on flood risk, inundation insurance, or other climate risks. Redfin strongly recommends that consumers independently investigate the property's climate risks to their own personal satisfaction.
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Nearby Homes accept recently sold between $250,000 to $424,900.
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Unmarried-Family unit Habitation Trends in Weequahic
Median Sale Price Single Family Homes
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Market Competition in Weequahic
Calculated over the last
- Some homes get multiple offers.
- The average homes sell for around list price and get pending in around 49 days.
Hot homes
can sell for well-nigh 4% higher up list price and become pending in around 23 days.
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- Many homes get multiple offers, some with waived contingencies.
- The boilerplate homes sell for about vii% above list price and go pending in around fourteen days.
Hot homes
can sell for nigh 17% above listing cost and go pending in around 10 days.
- Some homes go multiple offers.
- The average homes sell for about 3% above list price and go awaiting in around 91 days.
Hot homes
can sell for most 10% above listing price and go pending in around 38 days.
More Real Estate Resources
What is 68-seventy Parkview Ter?
68-70 Parkview Ter is a 2,557 square foot business firm on a 4,948 square foot lot.
This habitation is currently off market.
When was this habitation built and last sold?
68-70 Parkview Ter was built in 1920.
How competitive is the market for this home?
Based on Redfin's market place information, nosotros summate that market contest in 07112, this home's neighborhood, is somewhat competitive. Homes sell for well-nigh 1% below list cost and go awaiting in effectually 51 days.
What'due south the full address of this home?
The full address for this dwelling is 68-70 Parkview Terrace, Newark, New Bailiwick of jersey 07112.
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